Learn financial tips on how to build good credit, budget wisely and boost your savings as a college student. money.edu is a free financial resource geared to help college students discover how to build and secure their financial future. Check out the special features you will use with money.edu.
money.edu features:
• Glossary of more than 40 financial terms explained
• The Ask an Expert feature allows you to ask questions and get answers to your financial questions from financial experts
• 11 different financial calculators will help you answer a variety of financial questions such as how much interest you will save on a loan, or how long it will take you to pay off your credit card
• Tips on fraud to teach you how to identify the latest scams and avoid becoming a victim
• Additional information to help international students navigate a new financial environment
• Tips on security and financial safety for students who plan to travel abroad
Become financially sophisticated at money.edu!
Coming Soon to money.edu:
• Interactive Budget Tracker helps you to see where you spend money and learn how to save
• Savings Goals tracker allows you to monitor your savings and stay on track to reach your savings goals.